1890-1910 photos - J.B. Warren Blodgetts Landing photographs from the 1890-1910 period by J.B. Warren, a photographer from Franklin, NH who had a summer photo studio in Blodgetts.
Garceau Collection Photos reproduced by permission from Ron Garceau (publisher of the SooNipi Magazine, Sunapee, NH). These photos are of Blodgett Landing, Newbury, NH - Lake Sunapee.
1944 photos - W.V.D. Kitchen Photos in this album were taken by a professional photographer, William V.D. Kitchen, unless otherwise noted. Mr. Kitchen retired to New London, NH in the 1940's
Blodgett’s Family Photo Album This album contains photos contributed by family and friends of Blodgett Landing. The photos are "raw" - as I receive them from the contributor.
Fall Foliage - 2007 Photos taken Fall 2007 at Blodgett Landing, Lake Sunapee